Disclaimer: This project is an obvious satire about the state-of-the-art of the front-end development world. Too many frameworks, fragmented environments and the constant struggle to turn front-end development more back-end developer friendly.

With that said, it is a nice, quick project that (despite all appearences) actually works and has fairly good performance. In fact, it’s a very good fit for people with legacy projects that just need some MVC/MVVM two-way binding magic to spice up their development process. It’s also a somewhat good fit for people who don’t want all the bloat associated with bigger, more complete frameworks. But if that’s your case, please consider the better options: VueJS and Aurelia


Static is a dynamic JavaScript framework that brings together all that’s wrong about other frameworks!

Who’s it for?

Do you feel like…

If you’ve answered yes to some of the above questions, than StaticJS is not for you. In that case, we encourage you to write your own JS framework and market it until it becomes the next soon-to-be-big-thing-thats-going-to-be-forgotten-in-about-2-months-time!


StaticJS is so simple, it can be explained with just one example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
       <script src="static.js"></script>
    <div data-static-ctrl="test-cont">
            <h1 data-static-if="showTitle">Page title: </h1>
                <label for="name">Name: </label>
                <input type="text" data-static-model="name">
                <label for="name">Surname: </label>
                <input type="text" data-static-model="surname">
                <label for="name">Show Title: </label>
                <input type="checkbox" data-static-model="showTitle">
                <span>This is your name:  </span>
                <button data-static-click="alertSurname">ALERT!!!</button>
                <button data-static-click="changeSurname">Change Surname</button>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        staticjs.controller('test-cont', function myCtrl() {
            var self = this;

            self.name = 'Just a Name';
            self.surname = 'Just a Surname';
            self.title = 'Just a title';

            self.showTitle = true;

            self.getSurname = function getSurname() {
                return self.surname;

            self.alertSurname = function getSurname() {

            self.changeSurname = function getSurname() {
                self.surname = "A new Surname";

For more detail, please go to our wiki page